What makes Pakistan, Pakistan?

Pakistan, what does the world mean? What sketch do you really get when you think of Pakistan? Pakistan, a land of mountains, oceans, plains, rivers, and all seasons. A land where people from different cultures and ethnicities acquired a single recognition with a common language. This land is called Pakistan, with the meaning " the land of purity." Let's know about the cultures of this land, geographical features of this land, beliefs, and traditions that people of this land follow. But first, let me tell you an interesting thing about Pakistan, unlike many of the countries which have always existed, this country appeared on the map of the World at a certain time with a certain reason and purpose. To know about the details of this interesting point, we have to know about the history of this country. Land with some ancient History The history of this land can be traced back to 3800 BCE with the origin of the Indus Valley civilization. Then the Aryan Era, the rise of Bud...